However, after reporting to him, the quest does not finish and he still has the same objective. Do you mean the bug when you're supposed to talk to Galmar in the Stormcloak Reach Camp to start the new quest for taking over the Reach, but you never get the dialogue option? Facebook. Liberation of Skyrim (liberate Reach, Hjaalmarch) Anggiezzz. This is my desperate attempt to fix this problem. The only quest that needs to be completed in Falkreath Hold is Rescue from Fort Neugrad. How to "Liberate the Reach" in Skyrim? Liberate Winterhold.

Here is the Wiki for that particular quest: Not sure I understand your problem (I have not played Skyrim yet). We've tried multiple things to fix it, but most haven't worked. After returning from the Battle for Whiterun and claiming victory in the name of the Stormcloaks, Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak is pleased that he now controls Whiterun, the center of the province of Skyrim, a position he aims to keep. Every time I go up to Galmor Stone-Fist to get the new quest, the 'reporting in' option doesn't appear.